
VIDEO: Meet Your Local Tamalera

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Twitter: @AndreaGompf

Most people with a five day work week look forward to Friday because it signals the coming weekend. At Remezcla’s NYC headquarters, we look forward to Friday because it’s the day the neighborhood tamalera sets up shop near the office. But though I see her every week and we always make warm small talk, it recently dawned on me that I don’t even know her name. Many of us have someone like this in our lives – a person you see around your community all the time, but know next to nothing about. Chicago filmmaker Carlos Martinez is interested in telling their stories, and in his short film | təˈmälē |, he endeavors to do just that with Marciala, a tamalera who is a staple in his Chicago community. Martinez says:

With all the people running around everyday, it’s easy to forget that every one person has their own story to tell. The Tamale Lady(ies) of Chicago are some of those people. Taken for granted and just assumed to be there on their usual corners. These women, in particular Marciala, are usually there 365 days of the year, rain sleet or snow from 5am-3pm selling tamales for what ever money they can get to support their family and themselves.

Check out his profile below:

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