
Tackle Your Anxiety With These Soothing, Spanish-Language ASMR Videos

Lead Photo: Photo: Alex Van Leeuwen / EyeEm
Photo: Alex Van Leeuwen / EyeEm
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When the holidays roll around, you know you’re going to have a lot of fun, a lot of food, and a lot of chisme. For some, however, the period between Thanksgiving and the new year brings with it a veritable mountain of stress. From travel anxiety, to dealing with cooking responsibilities, to having to deal with your entire family and all of their problems, it can be an exceedingly difficult task to get through the holiday season with your stress levels low. And while not everyone can take 25-30 minutes away from the chaos to relax, for those that can, ASMR is there to help.

ASMR (stands for Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response) videos are all the rage on YouTube, as the soft sounds of whispering, clicking noises, and other atmospheric tones trigger a relaxing state in the listeners. Although ASMR doesn’t work universally for everyone, if you can take a break from the bustling kitchen, or if your flight is delayed and you need to chill at the airport gate, these videos can be the difference between a steady holiday season and one overrun with all the usual stresses. The relaxation often brings with it a slight tingling in your upper chest and neck areas, leading to what some call “low-grade euphoria,” and who doesn’t want that over the holidays?

We’ve collected the 6 best Spanish-language ASMR videos on YouTube, so if you can spare a moment, you may find that this holiday season will be your most relaxed yet.


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