With their penchant for black and death, Kat Von D and Prayers‘ Leafar Seyer (Rafael Reyes written backward) are a match made in goth heaven. On Wednesday, the pair announced they had married through a set of Instagram posts. Though we couldn’t definitively pinpoint when the two began to date, rumors of their relationship span back to at least 2015. What we do know is that they have started posting more images of each other on their Instagram in the last few months, and the two announced their engagement on Valentine’s Day. Leafar proposed with the help of an aerial banner that read “I love you, Kat Von D.”
As we celebrate their marriage, we’re looking back at their Instagram feeds, which show they are incredibly supportive of each other. Their love is so strong that Leafar has said, “Death is in bloom & so is my love for her.”
Take a journey through their perfectly goth relationship below