Welcome to Remezcla’s weekly guide to Latin art openings in your city each week. Mingle with art admirers, collectors and casual passersby to check out these new works. And don’t forget to grab a free glass of wine…or three.
Coco Fusco
The artist and writer Coco Fusco, who is art famous for the performance Couple in a Cage – a collaboration with Guillermo Gomez-Peña – will be showing her oeuvre of videos at Alexander Gray Associates. In her films, Fusco questions official histories in Cuba and investigates the censorship of literary figures, military power, and identity in post-Revolutionary Cuba. The show will open Saturday, January 9, with a reception from 6 to 8 p.m.
Alexander Gray Associates
510 West 26 St.
New York, NY 10001
Concrete Cuba
Los Diez Pintores Concretos (or 10 concrete painters) were a group of artists making work in Cuba from 1959 through 1961. Their abstract works, though seemingly apolitical, attempted to illustrate an idealist and utopian aesthetic by challenging traditional forms of painting. Working after Batista’s military coup of 1952, the artists weren’t outrightly suspected as a political threat until the Revolution of 1959 when most of the artists eventually fled the country. Though they only had 3 shows in total and published two portfolios of prints, they were a highly influential artist group in Cuba. The opening reception is Thursday, January 7, from 6 to 8 p.m. in Chelsea.
David Zwirner
537 West 20th Street
New York, NY
Figure and Form
This show highlights the most recent acquisitions to Museo del Barrio’s permanent collection. New York-based artist David Antonio Cruz’ piece ‘Puerto Rican Pieta’ is the most recent addition, while other pieces by Ernesto Pujol, Julio Alpuy, Louis Mendez, Nemesio Antunez, William Villalongo, and Alessandra Expósito are part of the exhibit that will run until December 2016.
Museo del Barrio
1230 Fifth Ave.
New York, NY 10029