It’s been one week since Walter Mercado passed away, and the community is still mourning the great loss of the Puerto Rican astrologer. Whether through his televised horoscope forecasts or his media appearances, the spiritual adviser always offered words of love and prosperity to fans that were meant to empower them to cease moments and lead lives of passion and purpose. The community didn’t just say goodbye to a cultural icon but also a trusted guide, someone whose messages from the stars they’d seek and treasure during good and bad moments in their lives. But while Mercado may no longer be with us in the physical sense, his counsels remain available through several books he authored throughout his career. From texts that break down astrological signs, to titles that use the zodiac to help readers improve the quality of their lives, to biographical pieces that educate fans on his own life and work, here are five books to pick up when you’re in need of Mercado’s spiritual guidance.
Enciclopedia de Walter Mercado
Enciclopedia de Walter Mercado was the spiritual adviser’s debut book. There are two volumes, with the first one published in 1983 and the second one in 1985. The texts offer information on the astrologer’s life, spirituality, work and hopes for the world and humanity.
Beyond the Horizon: Visions of the New Millennium
In 1997, Mercado published Beyond the Horizon: Visions of the New Millennium. The book offered an optimistic forecast of the new millennium, explaining how we were ending the 2,000-year Age of Pisces, which was filled with political and social strife, and entering the Age of Aquarius, a time of tolerance and inclusion. The title is available in both English and Spanish.
Guia Para Una Vida Mejor
Guia Para Una Vida Mejor is an audiobook where Mercado breaks down astrological signs and offers guidance on how to live a better life based on the zodiac. It released in 1997.
Mensajes Para Vivir
In 1998, Mercado teamed up with Dr. Leon Alberto Vasquez to write the text Mensajes Para Vivir. The 213-page book is filled with messages and illustrations aimed to empower people to live their best lives.
El Mundo Secreto de Walter Mercado
More recently, in 2010, Mercado dropped El Mundo Secreto de Walter Mercado, a book that shares how the spiritual adviser’s life informed his outlook, philosophy and universal message of love, positive energy, abundance, success and faith.