
Just Announced: 2015 Nominees for the Only U.S. Awards Recognizing Latin American Film

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In a world full of impostors, there’s only one original. That applies to just about anything these days, but in the case of Latin American awards ceremonies that original is New York’s own Cinema Tropical Awards. That’s not to say of course, that the handful of other ceremonies that have been popping up across the world of late aren’t doing important work. In fact, when it comes to promoting the great cinematic production coming out of Latin America, the more the merrier.

But even so, one must give credit where credit is due, and since 2010 Cinema Tropical has been fighting the good fight through thick and thin with its annual awards ceremony. While it may not have the star power of a Premios Fénix, or the big money sponsors of a Premios Platino, what the Cinema Tropical Awards does bring year after year is an unwavering quality and only the highest standards. With a jury consisting of Emmy-nominated filmmakers and international calibre film programmers, the Cinema Tropical Awards is unique in that, aside from all the pomp and circumstance that tend to accompany these events, it is truly about the films and the artists who make them.

The nominees for the upcoming 5th edition, to be held at the New York Times company headquarters on January 21, 2015, have just been announced. Here’s the complete list.


Best Fiction Film


Heli (Amat Escalante, Mexico/Netherlands/Germany/France, 2013)

El lugar del hijo / The Militant (Manuel Nieto Zas, Uruguay/Argentina, 2013)

El rostro / The Face (Gustavo Fontán, Argentina, 2013)

Historia del miedo / History of Fear (Benjamin Naishtat, Argentina/France/Germany/Uruguay, 2014)

Las niñas Quispe / The Quispe Girls (Sebastián Sepúlveda, Chile, 2013)

Best Director, Fiction Film


Manuel Nieto Zas, El Lugar del hijo / The Militant (Uruguay/Argentina, 2013)

Gustavo Fontán, El rostro / The Face (Argentina/France, 2013)

Sebastián Sepúlveda, Las niñas Quispe / The Quispe Girls (Chile, 2013)

Marcelo Gomes, Cao Guimarães, O Homen das Multidões / The Man of the Crowd (Brazil, 2013)

Rodrigo Moreno, Reimon (Argentina/Germany, 2014)

Best First Film


Güeros (Alonso Ruizpalacio, Mexico, 2014)

Historia del miedo / History of Fear (Benjamin Naishtat, Argentina/France/Germany/Uruguay, 2014)

Las niñas Quispe / The Quispe Girls (Sebastián Sepúlveda, Chile)

Navajazo (Ricardo Silva, Mexico, 2014)

Somos Mari Pepa / We Are Mari Pepa (Samuel Kishi Leopo, Mexico, 2013)

Best Documentary Film


Café (Hatuey Viveros, Mexico, 2014)

Carta a un padre / Letter to a Father (Edgardo Cozarinsky, Argentina/Germany, 2013

El cuarto desnudo / The Naked Room (Nuria Ibañez, Mexico, 2013)

La última estación / The Last Station (Catalina Vergara and Cristián Soto, Chile, 2013)

Naomi Campbel (Camila José Donoso and Nicolas Videla, Chile, 2013)

Best Director, Documentary Film


Hatuey Viveros, Café (Mexico, 2014)

Davi Pretto, Castanha (Brazil, 2014)

Camila José Donoso and Nicolás Videla, Naomi Campbel, (Chile, 2013)

Ricardo Silva, Navajazo (Mexico, 2014)

Marcos Pimentel, Sopro / Breath (Brazil, 2013)

Best U.S. Latino Film


Cesar’s Last Fast (Richard Ray Perez, USA, 2014)

Las Marthas (Cristina Ibarra, USA, 2014)

Of Kites and Borders (Yolanda Pividal, USA/Spain/Mexico, 2014)

Purgatorio: Journey into the Heart of the Border / Purgatorio: Viaje al corazón de la frontera (Rodrigo Reyes, Mexico/USA, 2013)

The State of Arizona (Carlos Sandoval and Catherine Tambini, USA, 2014)