Video: Antoine Reverb – "Memory Interrupted"

How queer. Stir of Echoes meets Girl Interrupted. My two favorite childhood films about the American Dream gone wrong. My heartfelt apologies, but I think I went to some fresa party in El Estado and was accosted by just the exact same gentleman in this video in his ’50s style Abercrombie or American Eagle sweater that he had a diaspora-tia buy him, or ordered online, or bought at Mundo E while studying at El Tec de Monterrey. And why is every back yard in Mexico so rustic and cement cinder-blocked? Not for nothing but Antoine Reverb is like really good guey, o sea, duh. And like, OMG man, who is the mystery girl in this video? I think we took statistics together. She used to sit with her hair bunched up in front of the whole room throughout all those stupid lectures. In this very classic rock inspired, ghostly number Antoine Reverb lets caution to the wind with “Memory Interrupted,” playing with emotions and haunting effects, like high-school romance gone awry.

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Download Antoine Reverb’s “Memory Interrupted” below: