Bad Bunny keeps his island present, even while on his World’s Hottest Tour throughout the U.S. Following Hurricane Fiona’s devastation, Bad Bunny’s team added QR codes listing local organizations helping those in need in Puerto Rico. However, one of the resources is in danger of what his latest music video, “El Apagón,” describes: displacement and gentrification under Act 20 and 22.
The independent journalist and storyteller featured on “El Apagón,” Bianca Graulau, pointed out that one of the resources on the list is going through the same challenges described in the “Aquí Vive Gente” documentary. Comedores Sociales de Puerto Rico is a mutual aid group that helps Puerto Rico’s community combat hunger, founded after Hurricane María.
The problem is that the organization doesn’t have the title for the building that they’ve been using to help out their community. “They fixed up and equipped the kitchen, and installed solar panels,” Graulau said on her social media post. “But they could lose all that work if they don’t reach a deal with the owner.” She continued: “They found out the owner is someone who came to Puerto Rico to take advantage of the tax incentives that invite wealthy people to move here.”
Per Graulau, when the community found the building, it was “full of rats and debris.” Now that it’s fixed up, they’re looking to reach a deal with the owner, who used Act 20 and 22 to their benefit. Moreover, Graulau says that the person who owns this building in Caguas is the same owner who took over the old public school building in San Juan featured in the “Aquí Vive Gente” documentary. If you recall, that’s the building that’s potentially destined to be turned into apartments with an ocean view.
This is yet another demonstration of how the tax incentive acts affect the local folks of Puerto Rico. Luckily, we have journalists and global stars like Bad Bunny who are using their platform to keep us updated on what’s actually happening on their island.