Best Album Covers of 2012

7. Un Pokito de Rocanrol, Bebe
Photo by Rafa Fallar

In recent years, we’ve seen a rise of masked musicians and producers like Dengue Dengue Dengue, Mexicans With Guns, Daft Punk, Austin TV, A Band of Bitches, among countless others. But it’s not everyday you see a pop female singer (who’s attractive if I may add) wear a bull skull as a mask. Ok, we all know it’s not really her signature to veil her face in that manner, but let me say this was a very nice and relieving move. You will think so too because you are annoyed and tired of female pop stars who have their faces consistently airbrushed and photoshoped to look decent in album covers. Bebe doesn’t care about such things, nor does she care about correctly spelling “poquito,” and that’s why we give her two thumbs up! -IR

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