Video: Bomba Estéreo – "El Alma y El Cuerpo"

On the Colombian electropical group Bomba Estéreo‘s latest video, “El Alma y El Cuerpo,” Li Saumet lures us into an enchanting passage of vivid Caribbean landscapes where everything visual is in steady syrupy slo mo over a speedy, sultry beat; like eating a frosty cold vanilla sunday with hot raspberry fudge on a humid but gorgeous day, ya know, to cool off the burning inside, más o menos. Expect no less from from their anticipated upcoming junior album Elegancia Tropical, out in October worldwide via Polen Records.

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By the way, my one of my favorite scenes is that sparkly jellyfish near the end of this clip; beautiful capture (dir. by Simón Hernández).

For Bomba Estéreo music downloads, visit the link below: