“Bullets are as cheap as condoms” raps Residente on the fifth official video of Calle 13‘s Entren los Que Quieran. His solution to the problem is pragmatic and simple: raise the price, “if bullets were as expensive as yachts, you’d have to save your whole life to take a shot.”
Eloquent and articulate as usual, René Pérez Joglar, a.k.a. Residente, kept his participation on the video to the minimum trying to keep the focus on the important message: we need more education and less bullets.
In exchange for the lack of Residente, we get a bunch of anonymous people being shot by an invisible snipper with invisible bullets in the middle of the street. And, to make it very clear that the problem is not localized anywhere in particular, the video was shot pretty much all over the world, mixing footage from his hometown in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Argentina, Germany, Israel, New York, L.A. and more.
OK, so that was Calle 13’s take on “La Bala.” Now I think it’s French-Chilean rapper Ana Tijoux‘s turn to do hers. She also has a song with the exact same name, with a very similar message included on her latest album (also titled La Bala). Oh, and then somebody needs to make a mash-up of those two! Hold on, how come nobody has done that already?
[insert-video youtube=RuVBjhEQkLo]
Download Calle 13’s Entren los Que Quieran below: