Calle 13, ode to "Latinoamérica" (video)

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The most imaginative and outspoken duo of the urban Latin music scene showcases their latest music video for “Latinoamérica.” This track, which appeared in Entren los que quieran, is a promising song on many levels (nominated for Best Song of the Year in the Latin Grammys), especially in a greedy and hegemonic mainstream culture often portrayed in today’s media — hence, reflected in the chorus: “tu no puedes comprar el viento/ tu no puedes comprar mi alegria,” which is beautifully sung by both Susana Baca and María Rita in Spanish and Portuguese — two of the most revered singers of today’s folkloric Latin music.

The video begins with shots of Latinos looking at their reflections, of what perhaps may be a symbolic plea, a humane cry, or a look within to strife for consciousness raising about the inequalities that exists among classes and races throughout the struggle of Latin America. It then takes us on landscape view of rural beaches, campesinos working in the fields, Quechua women crafting their artistries in the Peruvian islands of Lago Titicaca, and oscillates between shots of the urban city world of the working class hero. Meanwhile, Residente and Visitante perform in an intimate setting in front of an Andean disc jockey.

Calle 13‘s heartfelt ode for “Latinoamérica” is an exquisite work of art that genuinely communicates about the plight Latinos continue to face. A song that beautifully mixes elements from bossa nova, salsa, cumbia, tango and of course urban, while shedding light via pop culture onto politics and social issues. Soy Latino America!

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