Video: Capri – "Dame Love"

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On his personal Facebook profile Capri lists only one movie as his favorite: Back to the Future. That was obviously his biggest influence behind the video he directed himself for his song “Dame Love.” On it he travels back to 1977 in a third-world version of a DeLorean to radically rewrite the history of Argentine music by giving an adult version of himself (or shall we assume it’s his father?) a copy of his latest album Disco Tape unleashing an early disco fever in Buenos Aires.

Thing is, music in Argentina back in 1977 was arguably the un-funkiest it could’ve ever been at any point in history. The top selling artists in the country was Julio Iglesias, and on the other side of the spectrum you had the local long-haired rockeros completely immersed in the progressive rock paradigm, making conceptual albums about deep philosophical issues and writing lyrics in contrived metaphors to escape censorship. You’d have a really hard time trying to find an album from that year that had anything that resembled a groove. So yeah, the introduction of Capri‘s Disco Tape would’ve been a huge revolution… and that’s something that I don’t know if you would like to unleash at that precise moment in history.

Because, you see, in 1977 there were very few reasons to celebrate and dance around if you lived in Buenos Aires. What Capri‘s time travel omits is that this was right at the apex of the bloodiest military dictatorship in the country’s history, and people (particularly young people) were being kidnapped and killed left and right in an intent to carry out an ideological depuration of the nation. Which means that a house party like the one portrayed on the video would’ve most probably ended suddenly with a police raid and all the party-goers arrested (and maybe tortured).

Unless, of course, Capri‘s DeLorean didn’t just travel back in time, but also managed to cross over to a whole parallel universe in which the 1976 coup never happened and the young porteƱos were somehow open-minded enough to embrace ambiguous dance music two years before John Travolta made it internationally cool.

[insert-video youtube=qZfkYgXnqQs]