Free Download: Céu – "Retrovisor"

It’s appropriate that her album’s title references mermaids, those mythical aquatic creatures that sailors couldn’t help falling in love with. I challenge you to watch a the video interview below and not fall for her; I don’t care if you’re a girl or even a gay boy and you find women repelling, you’ll jump off your boat and start swimming toward that magical land called Brazil.

We already introduced you to Céu‘s “Retrovisor” about a couple of months ago, and I’m not gonna repeat myself, so if you skipped that post, I suggest to go back and check it out now before continuing reading this. Now that her album is finally out, we’ve got an exclusive free download to share (thanks Six Degrees!), but my advice is that you check the album in whole because that particular song makes a lot more sense once you listen to it in context.

“Retrovisor” is a song about not looking back in the rear-view mirror of your car, keep going forward, something that she’s certainly done during the recording of this road-trip album, leaving behind old formulas and clichés from her comfort zone and embracing a whole array of new sounds. I suggest you do the same when you’re there swimming your way to Brazil.

[audio-player aws_file=”Ceu – Retrovisor.mp3″ aws_name=”Céu – Retrovisor”] [insert-video youtube=ma2sAEKqwBQ]

Download Céu’s Caravana Sereia Bloom below: