We’ve definitely foretasted this and our predictions have come to a reality — call us los chúntaro psíquicos. So make way for another avalanche of 3Ball clones and their invasion. This one in particular is by Ciudad Neza’s Chip Torres; a guy from a town north of Mexico’s capital where retro-ghetto is now cool and their tiangis (flee markets) are like the survival of the fittest paisa. Evidently, Chip Torres’ newest video is bursting with all the ghetto-fab, chafa-mex imageries and aesthetics you can imagine to fit in an under 3min video. Call this guy a biter, a clone, a bandwagon hitchhiker if you will, but “Tú Me Pixeleas” is pretty fucking amazing, and I’m not talking about his intersection with tribal and chiptune beats, or his hilarious barrio rhymes (well almost) but dang, if Maluca and Los Master Plus had a child together and somehow, someway something went awesomely wrong, this dude would be born. Tricki tricki tah dah!
[insert-video youtube=WniL0xrH-JQ]