Video: Dani Shivers – "Up!"

Was that a trailer for a sex magick ritual tape with Liv Tyler? NO! It’s our favorite cutesy, mystical Dani Shivers‘ latest music video! So, where the hell is your Rider-Waite tarot deck? In her Halloween video release “Up!” (track off her LP JINX), it seems young Dani subjugates her friend to be tied up, so her heart can be ripped out in the middle of a salty pentagram during their sojourn in the forest.

Every time I hear music by this Tijuanense, I think I’m hearing a modern dance cover of “I Know What Boys Like” by The Waitresses, that is until spooky organs come in out of nowhere. I would love to hear Ms. Shivers cover that song and goth it up, up, and UP! There’s a malign naivety about her, something chaste, yet libidinous; mysterious in a not so mysterious way.  She’s confusing in simplicity. And maybe that’s why “I don’t know what to say” and neither does she, but we still love her.

[insert-video youtube=Jn2RJ1BFER0]

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