DJ Ursula 1000

Name:Alex Gimeno

Roots: Born in NYC, parents from Spain

Where do you live? Brooklyn

Describe your music in 3 words: Campy eclectic groovers

What did you want to be when you were 6 years old? Spiderman

What do you want to be now? Doing what I’m doing

Last record you bought: T-REX (an expanded edition of their T-Rex album)

Favorite song/track of the moment: Annie-Chewing Gum

Most overplayed song/track: YMCA/Village People or In Da Club/ 50 Cent

Describe the best gig of this past summer: In Barcelona with a bunch of close friends

Favorite place in NY to shake your booty: Table 50

If you didn’t live in NY, where would you live? Tokyo

Complete the phrase “you would never guess it but I…." have never carved a pumpkin

Ursula 1000 says: for more info, please check out my website to see me "doing what I’m doing".