Part of El Sueño de la Casa Propia’s appeal is how thought out his songs sound, how crafted and considered each piece feels. This is not to say they sound overly labored, because that is, in fact, El Sueño de la Casa Propia’s calling card: the effortlessness of his music. Every change, rise, clash, and fade out comes from an intuitive place and that gesture translates beautifully via his newest EP, Doble Ola (2013, Michita Rex).
We gave you a sneak peek of Doble Ola last week with “Caen Rocas,” an excitingly exhausting intro single, and we’re here to report that he doesn’t really slow down throughout the rest of the EP. The title track, the slowest and dreamiest of the tracks, is cleverly placed midway through to give the listener a break from the jitteriness. “Balbina” then brings in more distorted vocals and acrobatic keys, making the product both interestingly synthetic and absorbingly human. “Pobre ave” sees us off with a looped flurry of Andean flute melodies juxtaposed with some pretty throwback Timbaland-like beats.
Basically, this EP is wonderful. It’s 18 minutes of surprising turns and inspired combinations. Doble Ola is officially out and you can download the EP here.