
Exclusive Premiere: Cubenx's "Saunter" [MEX]

Hailing from little Uruapan, Michoacan, and now based in Berlin, Mexican producer Cubenx is back with a brand new EP that will see the light of day in a couple of days through French label InFiné (the same guys who brought us Downliners Sekt’s Silent Ascent recently). César Urbina, a veteran in Mexico’s electronic scene, has been putting out material as Cubenx since 2007, and now he has readied the 4-track EP Mercurial, where the German influence can definitely be felt.

“Saunter” is a delicate but punching melodic techno track that feels ethereal and dancefloor-ready at the same time. It’s as static as one might expect from the genre, but elements appear and disappear constantly, giving it enough movement and dynamics to keep you interested. A steady 4/4 kick drum carries the song, while the rest of the elements are scattered and have enough space for you to detail each one of them, submerging you into a listening experience that is as thrilling as it is melancholic.

Cubenx’s Mercurial EP is out May 26th. Listen to “Saunter” here: