What’s the TPP? Let Ana Tijoux explain it to you through her new video/single, “No al TPP.” From the title alone you can guess what her feelings are on the issue. The TPP (The Trans-Pacific Partnership) is an offshoot/expanded version of The Trans-Pacific Strategic Economic Partnership Agreement (TPSEP) founded in 2005. More specifically:
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a proposed new treaty, being negotiated behind closed doors between twelve countries of the Pacific rim, that will limit countries’ freedom to make their own laws to protect consumers, Internet users, workers and the environment.
The 12 countries in question are Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Mexico, Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam, United States, Peru, Singapore, and Chile, Tijoux’s home. The treaty has drawn major criticism worldwide so Tijoux took it upon herself to craft this beautiful, powerful anti-TPP anthem. The bossa-nova/rap hybrid wastes no time in demonizing the treaty, scolding its anti-democratic process and potentially disastrous outcome. To learn more about the TPP visit here.
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