
Free Download: Colornoise’s “Button” + Video [C.R.]

For some reason, the ladies known as Colornoise (Sonya Carmona and Alison Alvarado) have yet to appear on any “Best New Band” or “Ladies Of Rock” lists. This despite the fact that they’ve been together since 2009. That’s a shame considering the sheer volume of garage/noise/punk/stoner rock they’ve churned out since then. We can correct this oversight beginning with “Button,” their latest video.

“Button” is the latest single off the Costa Rican duo’s upcoming album, Polychronic, which is due in September. The song is Tegan & Sara/The Black Keys obsessing over Iggy & The Stooges, and MC5 with instruments that were recorded in the bowels of an inactive volcano. They also have a passing psychedelic resemblance to Capsula, and if that’s not good news for you then I don’t want to know you!

The video by Guiseppe Badalamenti is equally as wild, with effects that match every hit from the snare and punch from the bass. Another unfortunate fact about the band/video: the lack of a trigger warning for epilepsy beforehand.

[insert-video youtube=tzyoDx51gA8]