
Free Download: Juan Cirerol's Cachanilla y Flor de Azar [MEX]

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If you’ve ever been to a Juan Cirerol show, then you know his fans are rabid, wild, obscene, and genuinely fantastic. This is all due to Cirerol’s ability to connect with thousands of people with just his voice and guitar (and some obscenity from his part, too). It’s a spectacle in the purest sense. No bells or whistles, big bands or pyrotechnics. Just a guy from Mexicali and the people who worship him. This love of the fans is the reason why Cirerol’s third album, Cachanilla y Flor de Azar, is free as all hell. The 14-track LP rattles off track after track of what we’ve come to expect from him, yet it’s still exciting, still fresh, still wonderfully unsettling at certain points. Every song feels like a spiritually necessary act, all in the name of México.