
Free Download: Kali Mutsa's "Canción de Amor Colla" [CHL]

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It’s been a while since Chilean eclectic singer Kali Mutsa graced us with new music. Now, after all the V-Day fuss is gone, she returns with an all-over-the-place love declaration. “Canción de Amor Colla” brings a message from the Colla tribe (indigenous people from Bolivia, Argentina, and Chile), adorning it with echoing beats, mesmerizing rhythms from all over the Americas, and some pretty vocals with a hint of hip-hop vibes to them. Imagine an aboriginal wedding ceremony full of bling, innocence, and foot tapping, and you’ll have the perfect setting to play this song.

Souvenance, the follow-up album to her critically acclaimed 2011 Ambrolina EP, will be out this year. For now, let the Colla spirit possess you and be happier than happiness after finding out there’s more Kali Mutsa to come!