Free Download: Kinky's Perfecta by Wagoner

Check this out. We have an exclusive for you here. Fresh out of the oven, a new Kinky remix by our friends Wagoner.

These Wagoner guys are becoming the new go-to guys for dance floor-destroying remixes. Remember last year we premiered their remix of M.I.S.? Well, with this new one they outdid themselves. Opening with a spooky classical church organ, the song rapidly grows from a downtempo joint into a frenetic techno moshpit.

Funny thing, both Wagoner and Kinky were featured next to one another last december on our list of best album cover design of 2012, and they were the only two Mexican artists on that list. So they had something else in common besides their love for electronic dance music: they both have remarkable taste for in visuals. I have a feeling this is not going to be just a one time thing and we’ll see these two working together on other projects soon.