
Free Download: Los IMAS 2014 Compilation

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Why don’t the Indie-O Music Awards get more love? Every year, los IMAS nominate the best independent artists from Mexico (and a few abroad) in various genres (including a category for foreign Spanish-language artists) and is one of the rare awards celebrations that don’t feature Maná or Pitbull. It’s a win-win situation!

There’s an easy way to prepare for the awards show scheduled for April 1st, whether you’ve been waiting diligently or only just now heard about los IMAS: download their 2014 compilation.

For the price of $FREE.99, you get tracks from a number of the nominees, though not all of them. Still, 35 songs in rock (Songs For Eleonor), surf/rockabilly (Hawaiian Gremlins, Los Pegajosos), rap/hip-Hop (Malafama, Serko Fu), metal (Fuck The Monster, Historias Nórdicas De La Abuela Vikinga), punk/garage (De Nalgas, O Tortuga), and more is a really sweet deal.