
Free Download: Maria Magdalena’s “Cada Vez Más Cerca”

María Magdalena, Chile’s newest pop purveyor, debuts with “Cada Vez Más Cerca,” one of our most favoritest tracks of the year so far. María Magdalena wastes no time on pleasantries. She barely takes the time to introduce her sound to your ears. Instead, she charges through the song like an old hand, like this ain’t her first campy rodeo.

Magdalena purrs and coos until her voice rises in falsetto, dancing around the song’s inundating electronic backdrop, matching its energy at every turn. It sounds like a B-side to the Drive soundtrack, which makes sense, because the only thing that could make this song better is Ryan Gosling.

Download the track exclusively here at Remezcla. And if you listen to the song and think to yourself, “Gee, I have an unrelenting desire to wear stretchy fabrics and flail my arms,” then you’re not alone. Here’s the clip for “Cada Vez Más Cerca,” directed by Juan Saez. So much lamé! My dreams have manifested!

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