
Free Download: Siberium's W A X + 2 Videos [MEX]

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Tijuana’s Siberium, whose mortal name is Rodrigo Luviano, traffics in the overpopulated world of atmospheric, measured dystopia, but with care and enough surprising shifts and glitches to keep you good and miserable. In July, the up-and-coming producer released his first EP, W A X, featuring six tracks, two of those collaborations with another Tijuanero, Inkjet, a.k.a. Luis Aguilar.

I couldn’t decide if I loved “Mare Crisium” more than his current collab single, “Feit,” so I decided to be proactively indecisive and just include both Siberium-directed clips below. Both were produced from the comforts of Siberium’s computer and both choreograph the images with the music beautifully. Inkjet gives his best Thom Yorke impression in “Feit,” while “Mare Crisium” remains frantically yet calmly instrumental throughout. His debut LP is projected to drop at the tail end of the year.

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