Free Download: Wild Pack of Canaries

We’re going to mix it up a bit here with a tune from a group of guys out of Long Beach, CA, more popularly known as the home of Snoop Dog/Lion/Llama/Slug/Whatever. It’s also home to prog/jazz/psych group Wild Pack Of Canaries who just released their second full-length album, In The Parian Flesh, on vinyl this month. The album, which was produced by Jonny Bell and Free Moral Agents/The Mars Volta alum Ikey Owens, features a collection of gems such as “The Carpets Don’t Match The…,” which you can listen to/download below.

It’s a jazz/rock/pop concoction that guys like Frank Zappa churned out back in the day or, as other sources have described them, “experimental pop cacophony” and a “jazzy cross-cultural freak show.” It may take a few spins to get used to but it’s definitely worth the time. If you’re in LA, catch these guys for the final night of their residency at Silverlake Lounge this Thursday.