Video Premiere: G-Flux vs. Afrodita – "El Ciclón del Caribe"

Since their 2010 Ciclón del Caribe Remix EP debut, Mexico via DC’s G-Flux and Afrodita join forces again with a spellbinding of a music video. Like Aztek warriors through the Caribbean rivers, Immanuel Miralda and Karin Burnett of Afrodita together embark on a mystical journey that involve saints, peacocks, and Mayan imagery, among a few of the things. This duo is soon transported into an outdoors party at La Habana, Cuba’s Escuela Internacional de Cine y TV (EICTV), and reunite with DJ/producer G-Flux who blithely distributes bottles of rum all around. At the same time, the folks of EICTV celebrate to the music of this eclectic combo as they complete their last year of school, and makes this ditty their soundtrack to a triumph of a graduation, electrópico-style. Enjoy the video premiere of G-Flux and Afrodita’s “El Ciclón del Caribe” below:

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Download G-Flux vs. Afrodita’s Ciclón del Caribe Remix EP below: