Guest Playlist: Cedric Bixler-Zavala of The Mars Volta

Music playlists are awesome. Either they be indie label curated with the artists they host, special holiday mixes, or any random excuse for a playlist. But what about artist-curated ones? What are YOUR favorite bands and artists listening to nowadays, who do they rank as their favorites or all time classics, and what do they have on their iPods? In this feature, we’ll give you a new playlist every now and then, curated by some bands and artist faves. This time, our guest playlist curator is: Cedric Bixler-Zavala of The Mars Volta

Hahahaha!!! Ok, I usually never begin a writeup with a crap in my belly while still typing, but I couldn’t help it. As I was piecing together and listening to these ten tracks our guest playlist curator Cedric did for us, I was like, wtf!?! cracking up wondering if it was still April fools, or if our guy genuinely experienced creative amplification and blissful mind expanding experiences while listening to those below. I was totally feeling Too Short’s “Fuck My Car.” Let’s go ridin’….. Yo, that’s a jam! Among other ones like “Hi There Miss Good Thighs.” What scene from Casino Royale (1967).

I don’t personally know Cedric, but by the answers he gave me for our Tuesday Q&A with The Mars Volta and his music picks below, I have such a homie crush on the guy. So, enough about my emotions and the blabbing, and behold some narrative 1960s stuff along, old and obscure soundtrack tunes, odes to soldiers at war (not that that’s anything funny and all), other classics about touching each other, and aliens invading, and songs that obsess over Canada.

These are Cedric of TMV’s picks. Enjoy! Also let us know what you think on the comment board below.

1) Luie Luie
“El Touchy”

[insert-video youtube=scZlINype4E]

2) Crispin Hellion Glover
“These Boots were Made for Walking”

[insert-video youtube=SO2U2V2D7kE]]

3) Too Short
“Fuck My Car”

[insert-video youtube=j0p0JVK3neo]]

4) Tiny Tim
“The Viper”

[insert-video youtube=x_FOuJbb_o8]

5) Burt Bacharach
“Hi There Miss Good Thighs”

[insert-video youtube=RuoUlCmgpho]

6) SSgt Barry Sadler
“The Ballad of the Green Berets”

[insert-video youtube=0y5GDvN9_OE]

7) BJ Snowden
“In Canada”

[insert-video youtube=HDVDqJ7o8LE]

8) Bruce Haack
“Word Game”

[insert-video youtube=oFw8oGuYFGU]

9) Dr. Demento
“They’re Here”

[insert-video youtube=CREZPNzFs2g]

10) Nelson Riddle
“Charlotte Is Dead (Thoughts of Lolita)”

[insert-video youtube=jr5Opl9U6jo]

The Mars Volta is our Artist of the Week! Read our Q&A with The Mars Volta and pick up the band’s latest sixth album Noctourniquet via Warner Bros. Records on iTunes below!