Guest Playlist: Rosso of Plastilina Mosh

We obviously love playlists. And anyone who reads music blogs loves them too. If not, then that’s just weird. We’ve already featured indie labels’ curated playlists that have a good mix of artists they host, and of course our special holiday mixes, or any random excuse for a playlist. But what about artist-curated playlists? What are our favorite bands and artists listening to nowadays, and what do they have on their iPods? In this new feature, we’ll give you a new playlist every now and then curated by some of our favorite bands and artists. This week, our guest playlist curator is: Rosso of Plastilina Mosh.

Welcome to our first installation of artist-curated playlists. Alejandro Rosso of Monterrey’s “retro futuristic rock” group Plastilina Mosh puts together an interesting and quirky 12-track playlist from 16th century french composers, hilarious “blasphemous” Everything Is Terrible  videos, “outsider [cult] music” rock n’ roll leader Wesley Willis, to the long-bearded blinded viking composer Moondog. Every video definitely needs a proper intro, so read Rosso’s comments about his cool yet obscure picks and have a listen below!


01.  tUnE-YarDs – “Bizness”

It is very interesting, the vocal work they do is fun!

[insert-video youtube=QcmJnNYAkFI]


02.  Com Truise – “Sundriped”

I bought this just because Com Truise is one of the most amazing names ever, and then i found out the music was 1980ish and cool too!

[insert-video youtube=qOz5dNtAJd0]


03.  EBN – “378”

This one is old, from the 90s, but EBN or Emergency Broadcast Network are pioneers, they did all their editing video / sound to compose songs, and they did all this before digital editing was even out, simply amazing!

[insert-video youtube=U_H4b7-eZNM]


04.  Pancrace Royer – “La Marche de Scythes” (Skip Sempe)

Skip went punk rock on this piece, it’s an aggressive piece and Pancrace Royer was a metal head back in his day, i like the fast tempo Skip did!

[insert-video youtube=mC5dDlmtrZs]


05.  Melt – “Sunsailor”

This one is old too, but really cool, had been searching for years ’till i found it (did not know the name of the band or song so it took me a while), it is kind of like The Orb but more happy, i love it.

[insert-video youtube=fN-Jj-fhkbU]


06.  Junk Science – “Do it easy”

I love Junk Science, don’t you?

[insert-video youtube=O3VD6k8sy94]


07.  The Knife ft. Mt. Sims and Planningtorock – “Colouring of Pigeons”

Waited a while for this album to come out, i like everything that has some classic or baroque music mixed with new stuff, this album rocks, and this piece is my favorite.

[insert-video youtube=ezut4049mcM]


08.  Everything Is Terrible! – “Jesus i heard you have a big.. “

We all need some Everything Is Terrible! song in our playlist, this is my pick!

[insert-video vimeo=22917081]


09.  Wesley Willis – “Alanis Morrisette”

Oldie but goodie, Mr. Willis had a bunch of classic, I went a little emo on this track as it is not the normal “Rock n’ Roll Mc Donals” tune but this one is also really good.

[insert-video youtube=7_fg_D1noOY]


10.  Sorcerer – “Chemise”

Check out all their stuff in their YouTube channel, Sorcerer gives tears of joy to my eyes, they are so talented!

[insert-video youtube=SxhNv5I2lm4]


11.  Moondog – “Viking 1”

Moondog was one of the best American Composers of the 20th century, he was way ahead of his time, he also did all his clothes, all this being blind.

[insert-video youtube=W7guHqujmrs]


12.  Pello el Afrokán – “Las Jardineras”

I love how he just names streets and gangs from way back in the day, i love his voice too!

[insert-video youtube=Au_7T7B1gyw]