Introducing… DJ SON & Post-Paint Boy

This New York-based dynamic duo isn’t made up of your regular run-of-the-mill indie geeks. By day, they have regular jobs and normal names, but by night they are DJ SON and Post-Paint Boy! These guys are determined to prove that there is great hispanoparlante indie pop out there (mainly from other Spanish speaking countries). This awesome superhero-like league started out as a friendship that consisted of sharing music and various other interests in common (way too many to list). But know they’re using their powers for the common good, having started with their first indie pop party ever: Solo Dame Indie Pop!

Name: DJ SON: Gabriel Rodríguez; Post-Paint Boy: Eddie Costas

Age: SON: 25; Post-Paint Boy: 24

Roots: SON & Post-Paint Boy: San Juan, PR

Where do you live now?: SON: Brooklyn, NY; Post-Paint Boy: Brooklyn, Bronx half and half

Day job: SON: Policy Analyst (Que loco, no?). Post-Paint Boy: Stage Manager for an off off off Broadway play.

Where were you and what were you doing 5 years ago?: SON: I was back home in PR trying to finish my undergrad, which I did!! (Go to school, kids). Preparing for a trip abroad to Spain. And ehhh, doing things I probably should have not been doing. Post-Paint Boy: I was in college, wondering what I was going to do with my life.

Current obsessions/addictions: SON: 30 Rock (Aleck Baldwin is a comedic genius). I’ve been watching it religiously…on the internet. Post-Paint Boy: Ghostbusters, Paul Newman’s organic version of Oreo cookies, Bruce Willis.

Best recent meal: SON: Eggplant lasagna (ricotta cheese is goooood!). Post-Paint Boy: Churrasco with pasta and a Guinness on the side. Sweet.

Movie that best represents your life: SON: Well at this point i think it would be The Darjeeling Limited by Wes Anderson (yes, another Wes Anderson fan). It’s not my favorite movie, mind you, but Owen Wilson’s character (Francis Whitman) and the relationship he has with his brothers is eerily similar to my life, caraaaazy [Editor’s note: interview is being conducted by SON’s younger brother]. Post-Paint Boy: Rushmore by Wes Anderson… I relate to the Max Fischer character in many ways. At first it sounds cool, but it’s sad if you go beneath the surface of the “cool factor”.

Last book you read: SON: City of Glass by Paul Auster; Post-Paint Boy: True and False by David Mammet

When did you start DJing? Why?: SON: I started DJing in Puerto Rico right after I lived in Spain for a bit. Honestly, the music I heard in Spain was amazing, I had never heard anything like it, it was whole different scene to the one back in PR. I guess I just wanted to re-create that vibe. And I’m still trying. Post-Paint Boy: I started now when my partner in crime DJ SON introduced me to the game.

How do you define your sound?: SON: Well, it’s basically Indie- pop/rock. Music from artists that are/were not signed to any mayor record label and do amazing music. I mean, I’m sure we’ve all heard some before, but a lot of artists in Spain, Argentina and even Puerto Rico are not recognized for these genres. Post-Paint Boy: I define it as very Ice cream sweet pop…but with an edge.

How did you come up with your DJ name?: SON: It was (and has been) my Messenger moniker for the past 10 years. I guess I was just lazy and used it in my first DJ gig. I never bothered to change it. Post-Paint Boy: It’s the title of a song by one of my indie music heroes…Stephen Malkmus.

Where do you hang out when not DJing?: SON: Around the neighborhood. Williamsburg.  Bushwick is an up n coming place and also, I’m kind of lazy to go anywhere else. Post-Paint Boy: I’m not sure…to be honest, I just hang out wherever DJ SON or some other people I know hang out, since I’m fairly new to this city. As long as it’s a place where I can dance and chill with friends, I’m good.

2009 music predictions: SON: There are a couple of groups that are up-and-coming or are putting new stuff out that I’m interested in. Superaquello and Davilla 666 (both PR bands) have released/are releasing new music recently/soon. Those are two groups we all should be looking into. Also, cholo and indio, the two groups who played at our event, of course, haha. There are a lot of new groups that are becoming very popular, especially the Argentina Scene (Banda de Turistas, Los Alamos, Los Natas)–they’re also groups to be on the look out. Post-Paint Boy: I don’t really care who or where the music comes from, be it Latino or not, as long as it’s good. I mean, it can be Japanese, and if it’s good, it’s just good, and I’ll listen to it. With that said, I’m hoping people discover good music by Latin, Hispanic or whatever artists…because there are some really good artists out there that people don’t know about because they just don’t fit into the stereotyped category of “Latin Music,” which is pure b.s.

Song that gets people dancing every time: SON: Any Soda Stereo song can be considered a crowd pleaser (“Coral” is one of the most entertaining songs ever). Post-Paint Boy: Can’t remember right now.

Guilty pleasure: SON: I guess my guilty pleasure would be (and it’s really not that guilty) old-school reggaeton. I mean, the mix between Dance hall and old school hip-hop is really impressive (motherf*ckers could rhyme). Post-Paint Boy: Sometimes I think I secretly like cumbia…which I guess it’s not a secret anymore. It just makes me laugh and dance a little bit…I think I blame Remezcla for doing this to me,

Laptop djs vs. vinyl?: SON: Definitely vinyl, always vinyl. The sound quality is waaaaaayy better. Unfortunately, my entire music collection is nicely preserved in Puerto Rico. This being said, you’ll be hearing amazing tunes from my handy dandy laptop. Post-Paint Boy: I think vinyl will always be the way to go…which is why I really don’t consider myself a d.j. at all…yet on the other hand, technology has changed that, and if you have a really good playlist and you make people have a good time…it doesn’t really matter if the music comes from a laptop or not.

How do you discover new music?: SON: The Interwebs are an amazing thing. Post-Paint Boy: Research…I research the internet a lot. You have to take risks on new artists all the time.

Where do you get your music (do you pay for it….)?: SON: Most of the music I buy is really on vinyl (CDs damage too easily). It’s been a while since I’ve had a record player though. So as soon as I get one, I’ll buy music again. Post-Paint Boy: I love buying records and CDs. I always like having the physical thing…but since I’ve been broke for a couple of years now, downloading music is the way to do it. I always buy the record if I really like the artist though…which is 60% of the time.

Current projects?: SON: Well, there are a couple of groups here that I’m currently in communication with (music-wise), trying to promote them a little (shout out to Kordan and Suturee, both Latino fronted groups). For now, mainly shows like Solo Dame Indie Pop. Post-Paint Boy: We are focusing on shows like Solo Dame Indie Pop… now we’ll see where that takes us.

Biggest challenges?: SON: New York is a BIG city, which could be a positive or a negative thing. It’s positive because there are always people receptive to what you’re doing, negative because it’s like dropping a needle in a haystack. Post-Paint Boy: Finding a day job that actually pays. Please hire me.

Plans for the future?: SON: Keep on working with music as much as I can. It’s a work of LOVE.

What makes someone a “cosmopolatino”?: SON: I have no idea (pass). Post-Paint Boy: I’m not sure what does that even mean….but it sounds cool. Is there a wiki on that? I suppose anyone that lives in a city and has some sort of Latino culture in some aspect of their daily lives can be a cosmopolatino.

Anything else you’d like to add?: SON: Check out our events, if you can/want to. We’ll be happy to see you. I know there’s always a lot of Latino dance nights around, but I kind of think that our stuff is a little bit different from any of those dance nights in the city. Post-Paint Boy: Come to our events with an open mind. Bring your friends or meet new friends and just have a good time…if you get bored, just come up to me and we can talk about anything. I’m really cool like that. Peace.

For more info:
Solo Dame Indie Pop!