
Help Javiera Mena Recover Stolen Equipment Worth $4,000

On February 7, thieves broke into Chilean pop darling Javiera Mena‘s practice space and stole equipment valued at $3,000,000 Chilean pesos, or just over $4,200 USD. The stolen equipment includes synthesizers, guitars, stompboxes, pedals, and more. This isn’t the first time a high-profile indie artist has fallen victim to robbery in Santiago de Chile, since people like Francisca Valenzuela, Dënver, and Protistas have had their gear stolen in recent years as well. The break-in happened right in the middle of her ongoing Chilean tour. Mena has announced that for the time being, she must rely on the kindness of her fellow musicians to continue the tour as planned.

Fortunately, Mena is enlisting her fans to help recover the stolen instruments in a call to action posted on Facebook. Below you’ll find a full list of the equipment in question. If you know their whereabouts, email During an interview on Tele13 Radio, she announced a generous reward for anyone providing useful leads – tickets to her upcoming Viña del Mar performance. Below, find the statement she posted on Facebook:

“Amigos, estamos muy tristes. En la madrugada de ayer, entraron a robar en nuestra sala de ensayo y se robaron equipos míos y de mis músicos, valorado en $3.000.000 aproximadamente. Agradecemos cualquier ayuda de difusión o información sobre los equipos. Cualquier información por favor contactar en o +56994347004.”

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