Video: La Familia del Árbol – ¿Tú Me Quieres?

I made my debut here at Remezcla with a story about La Familia Del Arbol’s debut single, “¿Tú Me Quieres?,” nearly one year ago today. During that time, the duo of Nacho and Pilar from Alicante wrote, recorded and released its debut EP, La Montaña y El Rio, on Mushroom Pillow and have now released its first video.

The video features some wonderful cinematography and imagery courtesy of director Ramón Ayala and cinematographer Guto Moura who mix scenes of Nacho and Pilar strolling through and performing in the wilderness with shots of live, “still-life” portraits. It’s also the total opposite image I had in mind when I first listened to the song last year but it works out so much better.

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Download La Familia del Árbol’s La Montaña y el Rio below: