Free Download: Latin Bass Mexico, Vol. 1

Mexico’s Oscilador set out on an ambitious mission: to put together the biggest compilation of electro Latin bass-centric music, and release it as a free download.

A year later, here’s Latin Bass Mexico, Vol. 1 with 42 (yes 42!) tracks of freshly-squeezed originals and remixes, most of them leaning heavy on the ñu-cumbia sound.

Don’t let the title deceive you. Just because it says Mexico, it doesn’t mean that it’s exclusively Mexican music. Yes, there are some Mexican ñu-cumbia familiar faces like Sonido Desconocido II and Afrodita, but there’re also contributions from Spain’s Bigote Sucio, Chile’s Cholita Sound and Waxuma, Germany’s Inti Che, and a bunch of other people that honestly, I’ve never even heard about.

Of course, there’s also a lot of tracks by our friend Oscilador himself, who curated this extensive selection and divide it into four parts, or discs if you may. Like with every massive comp this size, you’re bound to find a few gems and surprises, and plenty other tracks that will get lost in the bunch and easily forgotten. But since it’s free, you don’t waste anything more than time just browsing through it.