Check out this wacky Candy-Land-gone-wrong music video for French-based, Peruvian-led Les Blondettes’ new single, “I’m a Toast,” written/directed by Ana María Hermida (the Colombian filmmaker we introduced you to a while back with her doc-homage to Caquetá).
Hermida met lead singer Anais Blondet (who lives in Lyon, France) studying film at SVA in New York. With the help of friends Juliana Orozco, a backdrop print by Mexican artist Gabriela Alva Cal y Mayor, mini marionettes made by Anais, and D.P. work by Mexico’s Alonso Homs, the puppet-marshmallow-gumdrop montage was complete. Seems like this Hansel and Gretel music video had the help of half of Latin America.
Enjoy Les Blondettes and all their quirky angst on “I’m a Toast” below.