Listen: Linda Mirada's "Secundario"

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Spain’s radiant, Linda Mirada captures more than just passing glances on her recent single, “Secundario” off her up ‘n coming album. Soon to be released, April 2012, Linda Mirada’s new album should be a real glitter pop treat. Something like fast food tapas with a really good bottle of wine to keep the energy flowing. In collaboration with Lovemonk and Discoteca Océano, as a release of La Cooperativa and recorded in Ana Naranjo’s home in Madrid, the same way China es otro cultura was, the track counts with Najaro’s sister Maria’s help as well as many others. Looks like Bart Davenport and Monte Valley but their hands in the mix in San Francisco, with Davida of Part Time on the guitars. This is just one big orgy of artists here, so we can’t expect anything but quality.

SECUNDARIO by lindamirada