Listen: I Can Chase Dragons! “O’Donojú”

Haha, these band names are really starting to get very interesting. Case in point, I Can Chase Dragons! That’s the name of Julio Gudiño’s solo project and, oddly enough, the name is very appropriate considering the type of experimental pop tunes he’s writing.

“O’Donojú” is a fun little ditty off his debut album, Expansion. The album was originally released via Dos Pelicanos and later re-released thanks to our friends at Arts & Crafts Mexico.

The track, composed with samples and synths, has a strong fantasy vibe. Is he writing a soundtrack to a new version of El Señor de los Anillos or La Historia Sin Fin? There’s also a great chorus of whistles throughout. They remind me of Snow White & The Seven Dwarves but in a more fun, hipster way. It’s a fun departure from his work with electro-pop group The Plastics Revolution.

[insert-video youtube=Fb51qEKfogk]