TV waves invade your brain on this soap-operatic track by Los Violetas. Gosh darn it, we sure do love our tragic and energetic reminders of deteriorating relationships. Love is supposed to be a universal sentiment, and of all the songs with all their cliché metaphors, the one thing that won’t ever get old is a good song about all the bull we’re willing to put up with for that special somebody. A couple wanted smacks across the face, some destructive fights, and all the stupid words in the world only prove to fuel the passion in this straight forward narrative. With their third single from their album Areír, trio Au7ro, Fiona Shékuby, and Jonny K-Maleonic capture the formulaic patterns set down by the countless examples of dysfunction in the media. Los Violetas’ allusions to their relationship’s “error, como el televisor,” only confirms our futility. Abusive relationships never sounded so good.
Download the violently catchy “Televisores” by Dominican duo Los Violetas below de GRATIS. Check back in to see the music video on March 10th.