Née: Fernando Lagreca
Raíces: Barcelona via Uruguay
Sounds like: Electronic Alchemy
You should listen to Fernando Lagreca because his catalogue’s sheer volume pretty much guarantees there’s something in there for everyone.
Uruguayan producer and self-proclaimed “electronic alchemist” Fernando Lagreca is a multitalented Uruguayan artist currently residing in Barcelona. Lagreca is a celebrated producer who’s created an arsenal of diverse sounds. One minute he’s flying high on dream pop and electro-love ballads, another he’s delving into the cinematically experimental.
He’s self released instrumental albums—like his hi-fi love EP—and has some indie-label-backed efforts, like the vocal-latent “Silly Boy Meets Silly Girl” (2012, Irregular Label). So take the time to explore Fernando Lagreca’s dense and somewhat scattered musical catalogue. Chances are, there’s something in there for everyone.