Meet Föllakzoid, A Classic Psych Rock Throwback

Née: We don’t know and don’t care as long as they continue to melt our faces with psych rock brilliance!

Raíces: Santiago, Chile

Sounds Like: If Black Sabbath went to space, came back and recorded an album after being completely tripped out by the experience!

You should listen to Föllakzoid because this band is a classic example that rock and roll has not died!

Chilean space rock band, Föllakzoid is a powerfully effective psych rock ensemble who’s taste for tripped out effects, reverb and eerie lyrics make them a classic continuation of the space rock scene from Santiago.

This band’s music is darkly calculated and well composed. Föllakzoid has been getting a lot of attention from music journalists and popular online publications from the around the world. It’s not surprise, because their music is laid, sensual, and a pleasure to listen to. There are no hard feedback-filled riffs to make your ears bleed.

On the contrary, Föllakzoid’s music has a smooth shoegaze undertone to it. Their could be described as if Black Sabbath and The Brian Jonestown Massacre had a love child. We find that to be a great rock and roll combination, and suggest you dig deeply into this bands catalog.