Meet PutoLargo: A Tío in Transition

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Née: Isaac Aroca
Raíces: Sevilla, Andalucía, España
Sounds like: SFDK, Tote King, Shotta (rap from Sevilla, tío!)
You should listen to PutoLargo because…there’s a lot more than just La Mala Rodríguez coming straight outta Sevilla.


Don’t let the name deceive you, in Spain’s vernacular “puto” means badass (as opposed to its gay-bashing use in most places throughout Latin America). That being said, let me introduce you to PutoLargo, an MC from la madre patria with a solid hardcore reputation who’s currently going through some serious changes.

You see, Largo was that tall guy doing backing vocals for Spain’s hip-hop architects SFDK back in 2003, when they crossed the pond to perform at LAMC. Back then he was about to come out with his own group, Dogma Crew, who made some really dope, straight-up rap en español for the orthodox b-boys during a good part of last decade.

But that was a long time ago and since Largo went solo he’s been able to explore other eclectic sounds and with his new album, Mi toque de color (available on iTunes), he took this exploration further away from his hardcore roots to show us a softer and more melodious (and you could say mature) side of his persona. He obtained this by employing a lot of old-school soul music samples and singing almost as much as he raps and the result might disappoint the rap fundamentalists, but at the same time introduce him to a whole new audience. Change is a recurrent topic all over the album, especially in the lyrics of the title song and the first single, “Change.” Now he might want to consider changing his moniker to adapt to this new, not-so-badass persona.


Get introduced to Spain’s PutoLargo via his new, very different material, “Mi toque de color.”