Meet tach.dé: Post-Caribbean Prog Rockers

Née: Pachy, Marcos, Daniel, Fernando
Raíces: Puerto Rico
Sounds like: A Perfect Circle, Tool, Detectives Salvajes
You should listen to tach.dé because…their cadence is absurd.


Anyone who has ever been in Puerto Rico for more than a second can tell you the music scene is pretty bleak. Not because of lack of bands. Quite the contrary. The island is brimming right now with a boom of amazing bands, stretching all genres and their sub-genres, from chill folk to prog rock. tach.dé skews to the latter, a heavier spoonful of a quartet. But they’re victims…scratch that…they’re subject to the whims of an island that moves to the auto-tuned beat of reggaeton, Juanes, and top 40. So the issue? No one’s listening to tach.dé or their alternative cohorts. No one’s biting. Hopefully, with some touring and Web love, these four dudes can spread the Puerto Rican indie prophecy.

Formed in 2006, tach.dé came out of improv sessions between the highschool friends, who also dabble in other underground-known projects in PR, like Fantasmes, A/V Machinist Collective, and Go Organ! But their collective hearts lie in tach.dé and the warbly, brash music they create together. Case in point: “Página Uno.” Off their self-titled, seven-track debut, “Págino Uno” moves with the sensibility of A Perfect Circle or Tool, or anything Maynard could have conceived. So the opus is in the subtle beauty found in this surface-hard song. It’s a slow jammer wrapped in the foils of a head banger. That is until the end, when it all sounds like they went mad and committed suicide en masse. Our thoughts go out to their friends and families.

If you dare, download tach.dé’s “Página Uno” below fo’ FREE. Support the Rican cause!

Stream or buy tach.dé here.