Meet The Concept: Brazil's Got Psych Rock Vibrations

Née: Robson Gomes, Vagner Sousa, Henrique Almeida, & Augusto Vitorino
Raíces: São Paulo, Brazil
Sounds like: a bit of Ride, Nirvana, and The Stone Roses…
You should listen to The Concept because… they’re talented, experienced music purists. They know what they like and make great rock and roll.

São Paulo’s quartet The Concept is an amazing psych rock indie band that has experienced several ups and downs during their time as a music unit. The band broke up in 2005 due to disagreements between members. After the tragic death of guitarist, frontman Robson Gomes’ brother in law, the band reunited out of respect for one of their biggest fans in 2010, and continues to experience moderate success by touring internationally.

The Concept has a moody psych rock sound and their instrumentation has a strong, organic and commanding presence. The band cites American alternative and shoegaze influences like Teenage Fan Club, The Velvet Underground and Nico, and Ride.

Overall, these Brazilian psych rockers form a great and confident band whose sound is also reminiscent of classic hard rock music from bands like the iconic American rock band Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young, and is doused with touches of raw rock embellishments that are comparable to the Seattle, Washington based grunge band, Mudhoney.

We’re glad these guys reunited again, and as a gift for you fans and listeners, here’s their newest, recent single “Wrong Way.” Download it for FREE below: