The enigmatic mix-master, Mírame self-describes as a compulsive convergence of sonic exploration in multiple personalities. It’s hard to tell if Mírame is one person, or many people, from the little I’ve investigated online. It seems that there’s only one full interview with the maestro-mister, Mírame… if it’s even safe to assume Mírame is in fact a man (ok, he is). From the delightfully male-focused vantage point of a misgiven misogynist point of view, lets just assume Mírame is in fact a dude who’s doing what dudes do best, rape and pillage. Now, don’t take me wrong, I’m not PMS-ing on my usual queer-rant here, but there’s something just very masculine and aggressive about mix-tape culture. The presumptive takeover, the adulating homage. It’s like a circle jerk with and for the big boys on most mix tape Mondays around the world. But all the masturbatory splendor aside, the queer-notes in Mírame’s history make for an interesting divergence.
Odessa Caribou (+ M Remix )MIRAME feat L.A.LO. (Voyhe) by Delirio Love ♥
I’m quite fond of Mírame’s campier odes to The Smiths and The Police, while mesmerized by the very NPR, “This American Life” sonic-landscape created on his featured work in Dime Magazine. It’s like Mírame went into my soul and ripped out my John Cusack crush and stomped it on the floor of a very large literary canon library. It’s no wonder Mírame, who also signs his emails as Delirio Love (insert heart icon). Inkult Magazine‘s in-house or as the Mexicans say, “at home” in an awkward and interesting instance of cultural poetics, DJ Mírame is in fact a split personality that fuzes sounds and melodic experiences in a dynamic way. He is also staff at Indio, which is no shocker. Synths and samples are today’s instruments of choice and Mírame knows it well. Who ever this guy is, just make sure you check out these two tracks. I’ve honestly tried to decipher the cryptic track titles, but the most I could compile is that there might be a reference to electro banger Justice and Thom Yorke, i.e. my college playlist, somewhere amid the madness. And I think somebody named L.A.LO. (Voyhe), might be involved in the mess.
The Eraser Thom Yorke MIRAME Remix XXX Change by Delirio Love ♥