Video: Kali Mutsa in utopian spaces, "Tunupa"

Readers know that when a great book is made into a movie, risky things can happen — either it ruins the movie or the book because your imagination did a far better job, or it inspires further stimulant thoughts. Obviously, listening to music, and then watching the music video, it does similar things — either it kills the song, or enhances it. We’ve already expressed how intrigued we are with this Chilean actress-gone-singer Kali Mutsa‘s first single “Tunupa” off her debut Ambrolina, so we were very interested in checking out how the video would turn out.

Nebulas. Waterfalls. Kaleidoscopic visuals and a gorgeous gypsy-like woman. Weather these animal/human-like hybrids and chimera landscape stems from the imagination of Celine Raymond’s alter ego Kali Mutsa, or are vibrant representations of utopia and the mystical muses our ancestors once narrated, this music video is a mind-inducing and esoteric voyage that lifts this Bhangra bewitching track into alternative realms.

[insert-video youtube=QL6C9LwWC30]