Natanael Cano took to social media on June 15 to stand his ground after facing backlash when he called it quits on taking pictures with his fans. The Mexican corridos tumbados rapper asked fans not to approach him during his free time but said he is more than happy to interact with fans during concerts.
“You take away the little time I have free as a human being and you come to put me back to work… it doesn’t work like that,” Cano wrote in an Instagram story. “In a concert run, hug me and kiss me because that is when I’m working.”
He went on to write that even if it’s a fan’s birthday, he has “4,599” problems and work to take care of, so he can’t be bothered with giving his congratulations. Cano advised fans to “mature.” “It’s part of the growth, my people,” he continued on Instagram.
The story posts came in response to criticism aimed at him for his take on taking pictures with fans. In a video, he asked fans not to approach him in the street and that he wanted to be able to spend his free time outside without being targeted for photos or autographs.
One Twitter user said he hopes he thinks about all the money he is making because of these people who “view him as an object.”
The rapper is not new to controversy. He most recently made headlines for his ongoing online feud with Cuban artist Ovi and his comments about Pepe Aguilar. Aguilar and Cano went head-to-head after the first made comments about corridos tumbados. As a response, Cano took to social media to call out the Mexican regional singer, saying his fans were “in the grave” and that stagnant artists run out of followers. Cano has apologized for those comments but remains unafraid of criticism.