
Oi, Brasil! 32 Tracks of the World Cup, From Funk to Forro to Pagode

Twitter: @maryangelrox

My relationship with Brazilian music started in college when a then-girlfriend introduced me to an album titled Getz/Gilberto. Released in 1964, it features not only the saxophonist and guitarist (respectively) but also pianist, Antonio Carlos Jobim. Needless to say the album is amazing and we listened to it incessantly, mostly at my behest. In fact, years went by before I realized that Stan Getz wasn’t even Brazilian. Though that relationship ended, my love affair with Brazilian music flourished, taking me to Brazilian parties across Queens and Brooklyn, to impromptu batucadas, into little record shops such as Tropicalia in Furs, and all-night Brazilian dance parties at Nublu and the now defunct Black Betty.

Inspired by Ed Motta’s article for Sounds & Colours earlier this year where he listed some of his favorite Brazilian soul tracks, I took the opportunity of the World Cup to dig through my iTunes library, illegal downloads folder and record collection to amass some of my own: one track for each day of the tournament, from funk to forro to pagode.

If you’ve been feeling referee-induced-anger withdrawal or just want to sip on some cachaça while enjoying the rest of the languid city summer, then this is the mix for you. To start you’ll find some booty shakers, halfway through we get more introspective, and then pick it back up to end on a classic. Goze!

1. Jorge Ben- Historia de Jorge

[insert-video youtube=e7Ez55QhkPI]

2. Gal Costa – Pegando Fogo
[insert-video youtube=MQs0QUrmCDM]

3. Os Originals do Samba- La vem salgueiro

[insert-video youtube=Z5pfHzWYLuA]

4. Tim Maia- A fim de voltar
[insert-video youtube=9pRYR7DAHcw]

5. Lincoln Olivetti & Robson Jorge – Aleluia
[insert-video youtube=QHUbNrj70bw]

6. Alaide Costa- Catavento
[insert-video youtube=wyLTVOpNgm0]

7. Tony Bizarro- Nao vejo a hora
[insert-video youtube=2RdYv5wRzpw]

8. Nonato e seu conjunto- Tereco
[insert-video youtube=CPgHX8CZuOM]

9. Chico Salles- Retrato da bahia
[insert-video youtube=TDiqWCc6XU8]

10. Marcos Valle- Estrelar
[insert-video youtube=r7oAAUsKssE]

11. Djavan- Fato consumado
[insert-video youtube=pPjFC-OA53w]

12. Rita Lee & Tutti Frutti- Agora e Moda
[insert-video youtube=oBsxH5HpIXc]

13. Cassiano- Onda
[insert-video youtube=DAQJjY6Zxe8]

14. Azymuth- Flame
[insert-video youtube=149–zHWZ_I]

15. Miereles e sua orquesta- Kriola
[insert-video youtube=DVvDrkOeqIw]

16. Hyldon- Vamos passear de bicicleta
[insert-video youtube=1IMMiTT1gug]

17. Secos e molhados Sangue Latino + O vira
[insert-video youtube=wIyvM9Ce7mM]

18. Gilberto Gil & Os Mutantes- Domingo no parque
[insert-video youtube=Zbv3M-AdxC0]

19. Rogerio Duprat- Canto chorado
[insert-video youtube=Uf1q9miC0vk]

20. Erasmo Carlos- Estou Anos Atrasado
[insert-video youtube=G7ZioGQUcww]

21. Helio Matheus- Briguenta
[insert-video youtube=L8AWaMOgsh8]

22. Os Diagonais- Vou Perder Voce
[insert-video youtube=w90P0qvPiGY]

23. Edu Lobo- Zum Zum
[insert-video youtube=w1y8z9zgeaw]

24. Toquinho- Aquarela
[insert-video youtube=TtWph4hn9xg]

25. Stan Getz/Jao Gilberto- Para Machucar Meu Corazao
[insert-video youtube=Lt6rsHa88t0]

26. Jovelina Perola Negra- Bagaco da laranja
[insert-video youtube=fKqTjAyY5NU]

27. Elis Regina- Menino das laranjas
[insert-video youtube=v2qT2vEqBv8]

28. Evinha- Que bandeira
[insert-video youtube=s6H1L-w6skY]

29. Leci Brandao- Forca Divina
[insert-video youtube=X-FYBS6CWe0]

30. Airto Moreira- Samba de Flora
[insert-video youtube=irEyzVPlWgc]

31. Olodum – Farao Divindade do Egipto
[insert-video youtube=5cSpCMwlNhk]

32. Waldir Azevedo- Brasileirinhio
[insert-video youtube=Si5y0QGSjTY]