Video: Pegasvs – "Brillar"

Pegasvs, Spanish Progressive-pop duo

Back in July of 2011, I stumbled onto some arty videos by a weird Spanish band called Pegasvs. And, well you know me. I love first dibs on obscure indie stuff from other countries, because my life is basically one big attempt at pretending I’m a middle-class hipster who just sits around checking blogs and internet posts all day, duh. Well, either way it looks like those too cool for school hipster-hounding Club Fonograma already got the scoop on Pegasvs with their album review in March of this year, but that still doesn’t deny the fact that I had already been in contact with the band almost 7 months prior. Not that it’s a competition for cool points or nothing. Irregardless of my obsessive nerdiness and competitive nature, I don’t think we should really be wasting our time with contrived notions of authenticity in the digital age. Let’s share the love, right?

Well here’s my little exchange with Pegasvs, for all their hyped-about spendor. Sounds like the band has a lot in common with the Chilean krautrockers Serpentina Satélite, by way of their ’70s German influences, even if Pegasvs probably sounds more like Mecano, or maybe its just their Canadá video motif bleeding over into my limited understanding of the band. Looks like they released that album they promised for early this year, and their video has definitely lived up to expectations. I’m just geeked to even have found out who these cats were, even if it was just a millisecond ahead of the curve. Too bad I’m not more organized and I didn’t publish this correspondence sooner, huh? Then I’d have full bragging rights. But, like I said… this ain’t about me. This about, THE MUSIC.

Something magical must have happened in the wood of Asturias, because Pegasvs is surely a lullabying, folklore induced plethora of iconic imagery. Their video for “Brillar” is so reminiscent of my childhood fantasies, my delirium of Lego castle daydreams, sword-play and folklore loving literature days, I can barely contain myself. I mean what boy wouldn’t want to ride on a galloping steed on a quest for fulfilling his epic destiny and finding a giant topless lady in a bathtub of milk at the end of his journey? I mean for real, kids, I used to go to the Renaissance Fair in Wisconsin and had friends who dressed up like knights, dames in waiting, and wizards in high school, still. See why I need that hipster-cool validation, now?

[insert-video youtube=dF58bXsFbM8]

Download Pegasvs’ self-titled album below:

**My 7/16/11 email correspondence with Luciana and Sergio of Pegasvs

So who are you guys?

We’re Luciana and Sergio of Pegasvs. We live in Barcelina. Together we’ve performed in various other groups before Pegasvs.

Why did you start Pegasvs? And how did it all happen?

We started the band because we wanted to do a project that let us play guitars, drums, some stuff with synthesizers and beat machines. One summer we took a vacation to Asturias (Northern part of Spain) and we took a bunch of a “cacharros.” There we recorded our first song, La melodía del afilador, and without much pretense we we started to profile how we wanted to sound.

Tell me more about the music you made in Asturias…

Basically, we made music with analogue synthesizers, a tape recorder and tape echoes.

Who are your some of your inspirations?

Many things inspire us like Franco Battiato, Richard Wagner, and German rock from the ’70s or BBC Radiophonic Workshop, to mention a few.

What are you up to now?

Right now, we’re recording an album that’ll be launched in the fall with Canadá, a production company that does videos and music, and that now does albums too.