
Playlist: Hangovers and Southeast Asia Curated by Astro's Andres Nusser

Nine times out of 10 interviewers feel the need to ask musicians, “So what’s on your iPod right now?” Unoriginality aside, there’s a cultural fascination with having musicians champion other musicians, as if it’s some form of validation within the scene or industry. It’s like asking woodworkers who the other great woodworkers are (we still ask woodworkers that, right?). We love knowing that Julieta Venegas listens to Kanaku y el Tigre or that Cedric Bixler-Zavala loves him some Burt Bacharach. It feels like one more piece of the complex puzzle that is “the human.” So, from now on, we let our artists do the talking (you must be tired of us by now!). Every month we’ll have a new artist curate their own themed playlist with the sounds they can’t get enough of. But enough from me, let’s hand the reins off to Astro‘s Andrés Nusser. –PCG

1. Wild Nothing – “Data world”

For “buenas vibras”

[insert-video youtube=eQfuWofjdXw]

2. Sean Nicholas Savage – “She looks like you”
To soundtrack “emociones clandestinas”

3. R. Stevie Moore – “I go into your mind”
Andrés says, “se mete en mi mente”

[insert-video youtube=9tUXzDrA8UI]

4. Nite Jewel – “Want you back”
For “raras vibras”

[insert-video youtube=ZLPvUTJIRBI]

5. Mac DeMarco – “Cooking up something good”
To elicit “muy buenas vibras. mañanera.”

[insert-video youtube=8zn12xVRwb0]

6. James Pants – “Every Night”
You must listen to this “para salir de noche. modo repeat 1.”

[insert-video youtube=L8nrr3ZnLOE]

7. Friend – “Doki”
To channel “viaje instantáneo al sudeste asiático”

[insert-video vimeo=4645466]

8. Félix y Los Clavos – “Sensacional”
And then to channel “de vuelta del sudeste asiático”

[insert-video vimeo=28165301]

9. Diosque – “Basural”
Andrés says, “reflexiones de mi vida”

[insert-video vimeo=39125933]

10.Caribou – “Sun”
This is strictly to be played when “amaneces de esos bien cagados”

[insert-video youtube=euS2SlC68q8]

Astro is currently on their first U.S. tour and we’ve got all the dates, giveaways and goodies for you so you won’t miss a thing!